Cartoon Snark
Jacket has a pretty funny cartoon up at their site (hat tip to Mr Craig for the heads-up).
"Do we NEED another W.C. Williams on smack?"
It would be better than another W.C. Williams on Zoloft.
Jacket has a pretty funny cartoon up at their site (hat tip to Mr Craig for the heads-up).
One of the driving motivations for this site has always been to encourage more candor, honesty, and wit in reviews of books of poetry. Now I know that this site is ultimately just another "fart in the whirlwind of the internet," as JP put it in a recent comment here, but hey, what can you do?
I figured out how to move the Revell post so the link works now. If you don't know what I'm talking about, don't worry about it. It's not worth it.
Bill Blood -- from the comments section:
So if you're interested, Alan of Foetry now has a podcast interview with me up at his site. As you'll hear, I tell a lot about myself, including the fact that I'm a graduate of the Iowa Death Star. Indeed, I was once christened "senior stormtrooper" in a secret backroom meeting with Jorie "Darth" Graham. My job was to hunt down and kill editors who weren't publishing what we deemed was enough work by Iowa grads. Many an editor who you may think is real is actually a clone of the original, genetically programmed to play along with the syncophancy and cronyism you've come to know and love. And I laughed as I heard them die.